Be aware when you buy clothes at this store branch, they tend to forget to remove the security tag and you will end up going back to the store to have them remove it. Unfortunately, if you don't have a receipt, like if it was given to you as a gift, they will not be able to help you. It is quite understandable but the fact that when my wife bought it a few months ago, their security alarm didn't even go off which means these security tags are useless. When I went there yesterday to have them remove the security tag, I didn't have a receipt so I wasted my time going there after traveling about 25 miles from home. Matter of fact, the customer that was in front of me was at the register to pay and the male employee that was helping the customer smilingly told the him that he needs to remove the security tags on the clothes first before he tends the purchase or he will forget. I'm hoping that is not what they always tell the customers but I'm afraid that is always the case at this store. My wife and sons love to shop at this store but some of their employees are neglectful and irresponsible.
Be aware when you buy clothes at this store branch, they tend to forget to remove the security tag and you will end up going back to the store to have them remove it. Unfortunately, if you don't have a receipt, like if it was given to you as a gift, they will not be able to help you. It is quite understandable but the fact that when my wife bought it a few months ago, their security alarm didn't even go off which means these security tags are useless. When I went there yesterday to have them remove the security tag, I didn't have a receipt so I wasted my time going there after traveling about 25 miles from home. Matter of fact, the customer that was in front of me was at the register to pay and the male employee that was helping the customer smilingly told the him that he needs to remove the security tags on the clothes first before he tends the purchase or he will forget. I'm hoping that is not what they always tell the customers but I'm afraid that is always the case at this store. My wife and sons love to shop at this store but some of their employees are neglectful and irresponsible.