If the fairgrounds was used more often, for more types of functions it would bring more money into our economy as a community. It's used for 3 entertainment venues. 1 is the fair. 2 is the rodeo and 3 is the Renaissance fair. I'm not sure if they hold small restrictive venues, but then those would be restrictive and not open to the general public. Only complaint is the Marine corps base is across the street and during the fair the aircraft is hella loud!
If the fairgrounds was used more often, for more types of functions it would bring more money into our economy as a community. It's used for 3 entertainment venues. 1 is the fair. 2 is the rodeo and 3 is the Renaissance fair. I'm not sure if they hold small restrictive venues, but then those would be restrictive and not open to the general public. Only complaint is the Marine corps base is across the street and during the fair the aircraft is hella loud!